Kind Words from Wonderful People
Peter Bregg
Your photography is Fantastic!
As a photojournalist from the last generation, we always shot in a conventional manner. Your work is Alive!
Show No Fear I was once told, that is What You Do! I’m Humbled! Congratulations on your Artistry!
His Integrity, Passion & Extensive Body of Work SPEAKS for ITSELF! Check his work
@ peterbreggphotography.com
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Kind Words from Wonderful People
Katie Tabesh
You are So Talented!
THANK YOU for the most amazing pictures and day. These are truly incredible and significantly over my expectations. Thank you. I will have a busy weekend of sorting & printing.
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Kind Words from Wonderful People
Craig Paiva : Caterer & Chef
The video you created makes my heart so full to see my family and my dear friends. Thank you so much! You just have that Eye to capture the most beautiful moments and also to present in the most heartfelt way. Just incredible!
Oh My God this beautiful! Tag Everyone!
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Kind Words from Wonderful People
Kaspara Albertsen: Event Planner
Samantha is a pleasure to work with as a model, fellow photographer and client. She is present and connects with guests and models in a honest way, only producing great work but making it a fun experience.
During the year she demonstrated an amazing eye and tremendous talent with any project she's given. I've used her for boudoir, portraits and introduced to clients for event photography and will continue to recommend her anyone as she always surpasses expectations of myself and my clients.
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Kind Words from Wonderful People
Judge Tamara Sugunasiri
Thank you so much!